Exclude Long Queries from the XES Long Query Collector

The Extended Event Session SQLWATCH_Long_Queries will collect queries that run for longer 15 seconds. However, in some cases long running queries are unavoidable in which case they would flood the collector.

To exclude a specific query from the collection, we can add it to the [dbo].[sqlwatch_config_exclude_xes_long_query] table.

We can use either of all of the columns:


To exclude all queries from a specific client (hostname) we can use the following statement:

insert into [dbo].[sqlwatch_config_exclude_xes_long_query]([client_hostname])
values ('some hostname')

To exclude all queries from a specific application:

insert into [dbo].[sqlwatch_config_exclude_xes_long_query]([client_app_name])
values ('noisy app')

To exclude queries from a specific user:

insert into [dbo].[sqlwatch_config_exclude_xes_long_query]([username])
values ('The CEO')

To exclude specific queries:

insert into [dbo].[sqlwatch_config_exclude_xes_long_query]([sql_text])
values ('select * from bigtable')

To exclude specific queries from a specific application:

insert into [dbo].[sqlwatch_config_exclude_xes_long_query]([client_app_name],[sql_text])
values ('BadApp','select * from badtable')